PK Fire! PK Thunder! PK STARSTORM!!!!!!
Yes it's Nessa and Lucas of the beloved Mother/EarthBound series.
These two are pretty tough to play as in Smash Bros, but
I still try now and then.
I have much respect for the Mother series and the love it has.
I played most of Mother 2/EarthBound and while I liked it,
I didn't find myself loving like others have and do.
Still I did find it incredibly charming.
Meanwhile Mother 3 has still not been
released in the West. All we can do is wait.
I really do want to play it for myself. Yes there is the fan translation,
which is incredible how fans got together and produced.
I just don't like to/know how to emulate games.
Still I have hope the West will see Mother 3 officially someday.
(c) EarthBound
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