Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Figure Drawing: arm and torso study

Medium: charcoal and pastel 
The torso is lacking in this study but that's because
the model was facing away from me.

Figure Drawing:Torso study

Medium: Charcoal and pastel on toned paper. 
The pastel on this is incomplete. My class was short
on time so I was only able to do some rushed pastel work. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Figure Drawing 2: First Drawing of the Semester

Taking Figure Drawing 2 this semester. Here is the first
drawing, let's see where my skills go from here.

Fire Emblem Heroes 2nd Anniversary

I'm a couple days late with this,
but here's is to Fire Emblem Heroes 
2nd anniversary. This game has brought 
me another year of fun, laughs, anger, and 
frustration. I'm still playing, and look forward 
to whatever come next.

Also congratulations to Alm for winning the 3rd
"Choose Your Legends" ballot. He is one of my favorite
 Lords in the series and he definitely deserves this win.  
Like others I was rooting for him, especially with him 
getting 4th place in the men's category last 
year. Also the fact he has not received any alts, yet.
Looking forward to what game comes up for him. 


(c)Fire Emblem